I have been spending the holidays with my fiance’s family. All of them are die hard trump supporters. This town they live in, are all die hard trump supporters.

We went out to a restaurant with my fiance’s parents and their friends. When it came time to pay their friends whipped out their cards and showed the table. Each card had a sticker delicately placed, the content of the stickers were of donald trump in many different contexts. Djt as a dollar bill, djt wearing a fake mustache at his mugshot, djt assasination attempt, etc. I was absolutely appalled. Then the waiter came over and I was expecting to see him perturbed as well. Nope. He wanted one and asked if they had anymore. They then gave him one and helped him put it on. In the middle of his shift.

Obviously trump is fucking disgusting in more ways than one. What baffles me is how you can flagrantly carry around a proven rapist in your wallet when you are a woman, not just a woman but a woman of color. Which the friend waving this dipshit around and making the stickers is.

I mean this man has literally talked about immigrants “poisoning the blood of this nation”. These are actual fucking people he talks about and demonizes. People with families, lives, and friends. All that care just gets thrown out the window with these people.

I hate living in trump country, because I feel like I am losing my mind when everyone around me is flaunting him like their own son who graduated as validictorian. As if these people are part of his club. When he is one of the most disgusting individuals I have had the displeasure of hearing about for over 8 years going on 12 now. How can you be so ignorant? Every passing day in this state I understand more and more how Hitler gripped the minds of the masses and came into power so easily. People are so fucking stupid.

Please for my sanity, I need to talk to people who know this monster for who he truly is. How do you cope being in a similar situation? How do you speak up?

  • Today@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    I’m in Texas, but don’t really encounter Trumsters much. I have a couple of Republican coworkers, but even they’re over him now, or they just don’t talk about it in public.

    • WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      3 months ago

      Texas is very different than most people make it out to be, especially in the cities. I’ve lived all over this state, and I still love it here, even though the politics drive me insane sometimes.

      People should understand that the politicians of a place rarely resemble the populace, especially in a state as heavily gerrymandered as Texas is.

      As for talking with Trumpers, I find the most effective method is to find things we can agree on. As a leftist, I also have a lot of grievances with the Democratic Party. I’ve noticed that Republicans are more receptive of my opinions when we get the venting out of the way first, acknowledging their legitimate grievances that I can agree on, and then discussing my different solutions to those problems (a la Bernie Sanders as opposed to Trump).

      You’d be surprised how many of them are willing to consider leftist solutions when you acknowledge that their complaints about the establishment are both real and valid.

      • Today@lemmy.world
        3 months ago

        I agree with all of this! It makes me sad when people hate on Texas and I try to add the word ‘politics’ in my head when i read Texas sucks comments. Most people can agree that there are problems and room for improvement on almost every issue. We just didn’t have to talk about what our preferred solutions are.

        • WeirdGoesPro@lemmy.dbzer0.com
          3 months ago

          I feel like this diagram I saw recently says it all. The beige areas are states where “not voting” would have won the most recent election if it were a candidate.

          A diagram showing the majority of states would have picked “not voting” as a candidate, including Texas.

          Texas doesn’t have a Republican problem as much as an apathy problem. I firmly believe that a leftist libertarian package would motivate people down here. Beto was doing well until he went after the guns.

          I honestly think a Bernie Sanders style candidate that leaves the guns and taxes alone while tackling education, housing, and healthcare would be a winning combination. The biggest issue there is simply overcoming the gerrymandering, so that candidate would need a major majority to actually win.

          But anyone who can convince Texans to actually vote will change the course of history.

    • Gerudo@lemm.ee
      3 months ago

      Most major cities in Texas are surprisingly progressive, the Republicans who do live there keep pretty low key. Move 10 minutes from a major city, and that’s where you see the loud and proud Tumpers.