I’m a southern man born and raised, and I run on sweet tea. Lately I’ve been experimenting with lowering the amount of sugar (or splenda) I make it with. What I’ve found is that I like the reduced sweetness, but tea bags are so low quality and bitter that I need the sugar to cover it up. Cold brewing and adding a pinch of baking soda help a lot, but I still want more. I think a higher quality tea is going to get me the flavor I’m looking for. So, any suggestions on any part of the process are welcome! What teas to try, brewing methods, etc. Less caffeine is better, I have a lot of heart failure in my family history so I try to minimize caffeine intake.

  • sudo42@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Also, if you make big batches to store, I recommend to add sugar to each serving rather than the main batch. Everyone can sweeten to their preference and the main batch will last longer without souring. I find sweetening with a simple syrup to be easier than using granulated sugar.