On this day in 1983, the ARPANET network officially switched to using the TCP/IP protocol, effectively creating the Internet.

“January 1, 1983 is considered the official birthday of the Internet. Prior to this, the various computer networks did not have a standard way to communicate with each other.”


#internet #technology #history #OnThisDay #OTD

  • yianiris@libretooth.gr
    3 months ago

    15 years went by and two clowns Gore/Clinton spoke of the information superhighway as if they invented it and gave it to the world. Some local public libraries begun offering dial-up service at little cost, and suddenly the internet was outside military and academic walls. Most often it was a login shell to a unix system. Bitnet was on its final days and mosaic on html1 was magic.
    Something like dillo today :)

    @[email protected]