• Touching_Grass@lemmy.world
    2 years ago

    One thing that is eye opening is looking into the education system as a place to indoctrinate kids. Now here me out. The fringe right were not wrong. Except they didn’t go far enough. The vast majority of current executive class come from private education streams. The executive class are what rule us. They make the rules like pay, benefits and just about every other part that of our society as they also buy the politicians that serve them. Private schools were untouched by the fringe rights claims of indoctrination because it is where you can actually see the way these schools train new generations to worship at the feet of Adam Smith and hate on social programs as part of some conspiracy against these private institutions. Nobody cares about brain washing the labour. The real indoctrination is happening at the most prestigious private schools and those kids go on to be the next Musk, Jobs, Gates, Clinton, Bush