• StupidBrotherInLaw@lemmy.world
    3 months ago

    Two people constitutes brigading? By that standard, you ought to ban the lot of us from .world!

    I intended to respond but this lot beat me to the punch. The only thing I’ll emphasize is The Sun, a tabloid rag with a history of false reporting, is the only original reporting. The other outlets are parroting them, some without attribution by simply stating “according to reports” like the above linked NZ Herald, or indirectly by attributing to a report which attributes it to another and so on, until it ultimately gets back to The Sun, like in this India Times article.

    NYT: “Dictator Kim Jong Un has declared that serving the sausage was an act of treason, The Sun reports…”

    Vice: “One thing to keep in mind about this report is that you have to take it with a grain of salt. It originates from The Sun, a tabloid that doesn’t have a ton of credibility.” -Emphasis mine because it’s funny-

    The Mirror: . “One vendor, who is based in the northern province of Ryanggang, stressed that authorities have been monitoring them closely. The vendor told The Sun…”

    Regardless, none of this really matters. This “call for commentary” appears to be your attempt to legitimize your moderation as we’re doing scarcely more than the bloke you banned for answering your request. You’re doing less. Should you be banned?

    If you can’t be impartial, or at least honest about it when you aren’t, consider handing the job to someone who can.