guys I just wanted to read about .glb files can we maybe not do this to the internet## How to watch, experience, and listen to "Generative AI is a Parasitic ...
Weird, nobody forced you to interact with me either but you did. It’s almost as if you don’t have to be happy about something to interact with it! WHOA!
Watching somebody rant about disliking AI for an hour and a half is not my idea of a good time, but you do you.
Good thing nobody forced you to watch or interact with this at all
Weird, nobody forced you to interact with me either but you did. It’s almost as if you don’t have to be happy about something to interact with it! WHOA!
Where does that leave me than?
I don’t know, where did you start? I didn’t see you go very far.
I just wanted to join in… back to the shadows I go!
So, I guess in the shadows is the answer to your initial question. I hope that was your desired location!