“This situation causes immense pain to our entire family.”
Case file: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.moed.217171/gov.uscourts.moed.217171.1.0.pdf
“This situation causes immense pain to our entire family.”
Case file: https://storage.courtlistener.com/recap/gov.uscourts.moed.217171/gov.uscourts.moed.217171.1.0.pdf
They don’t do anythinhg about it. Literally the clearance rate of rape cases is less than 20%. Your only recource to punish someone for the harm caused is civil court.
So? Of course, you go to the police first regardless if it involves something as serious as rape…
That is a horible idea.
What are you saying? That it’s a bad idea to go to the police if you have been raped!?
Lemmy. I should have known better, lmao…