It’s not like you’re using your personal social accounts for this stuff.
You’re not going to want your friends and family anywhere near it.
Only Fans want to know your public social accounts. The ones that are part of your “Brand”, that would drive your “Business”. That’s what matters.
If you’re worried about privacy on those accounts, you’re doing it all wrong.
And you don’t need to provide them with it, either. A friend of mine does OF, and has had no such requirement to verify her social media. Unless this is a new requirement that existing members aren’t obligated to go through, or required for a specific feature of the OF platform, then I believe providing them that info is otherwise optional.
They need all that to be able to give you your money.
It’s how you get paid.
They don’t need to know under which name I access Facebook to pay me.
It’s not like you’re using your personal social accounts for this stuff.
You’re not going to want your friends and family anywhere near it.
Only Fans want to know your public social accounts. The ones that are part of your “Brand”, that would drive your “Business”. That’s what matters.
If you’re worried about privacy on those accounts, you’re doing it all wrong.
And you don’t need to provide them with it, either. A friend of mine does OF, and has had no such requirement to verify her social media. Unless this is a new requirement that existing members aren’t obligated to go through, or required for a specific feature of the OF platform, then I believe providing them that info is otherwise optional.