• gramie@lemmy.ca
    2 months ago

    If I go to a concert, I expect to hear the singers singing and instruments playing live, not miming to a recorded track. I know that Taylor writes, or is at least involved in creating, her songs, and I respect her determination to own the music she created.

    The concert tour, however, is an expensive fraud. And if you talk to professional singers, they will tell you that it is ridiculous to expect anyone to sing for so long, so frequently. The human voice just can’t maintain that.

    • doomcanoe
      2 months ago

      Lol, okay buddy, I get that you have a very strong opinion on this. And that I’m in the minority of folks when I say I don’t really care. But I just don’t agree that it is “expensive fraud”. It’s an entertainment production. EDM artists, for example, are always being called frauds because they “just play their laptops”, but folks still go to it for the experience and enjoy it. Movies were considered “less than Broadway” for much the same reasons.

      I get that Taylor’s show creates the illusion of her singing the songs, and that offends you because it is just an illusion. But folks are paying for the event. You aren’t getting upset over her using stage makeup and effects, nor the myriad other ways in which the production creates “spectacle through illusions”.

      If you want to go see someone impress you with their talent, that’s cool. People being good at things is super fun to watch. I just get tired of the whole “purity of the art” argument. Sometimes things can just be fun without a catch.

      But I get that is just like “my opinion man”.

      • hark@lemmy.world
        2 months ago

        I get that Taylor’s show creates the illusion of her singing the songs, and that offends you because it is just an illusion. But folks are paying for the event. You aren’t getting upset over her using stage makeup and effects, nor the myriad other ways in which the production creates “spectacle through illusions”.

        Swift is a singer and the main point is to hear her singing. The other stuff is to enhance the overall experience, but if she cannot deliver on the main attraction then I would consider that fraudulent if there was the expectation to hear her singing live. You’re right, though, most people paying thousands for tickets to her show only care about the event i.e. being there.

        • doomcanoe
          2 months ago

          Eh, guess we have different expectations. I see the main point, the “art” of the situation, to be the spectacle of the event. But I can definitely see your point. People definitely do leave her shows thinking they heard her sing, and some would be quite disappointed to learn otherwise.

          Anyway, now I’ve got an urge to find a concert tonight, so thanks for that! Have a good one.