Why does he go into a coma?
He was always in a coma. The fake tits woman is a dream and therefore not real. It’s got the bones of a joke, but execution was confusing.
Fake breasts feel wrong. They aren’t great.
If I can touch em, they’re real.
I can’t know this is true or not, so will need to touch some to know for sure, for science. But also can’t trust some internet stranger.
I’m all for science. I can tell you that they don’t feel the same. It may not bother others. I prefer natural.
Thankfully my wife has big beautiful breast and they 100% real. But I still think I like to judge that for myself if ever in that position to do so.
100%. I had a friend who got a new pair and for a while she flashed all of us (her friends) and had us touch them because she opted for the gel rather than saline. They still felt wrong.