I’ve noticed that the NDP has a visibility problem especially among blue collar workers. I’t seems that many people seem to think that the conservatives are going to make canada more affordable. How can I talk to people to get them to understand that the conservatives are just business as usual and are going to make canada more affordable for big corperations and resource extraction companies. Not the workers who actually get stuff done?
Bring more money into politics
Weakening Elections Canada’s ability to ensure fair elections
Making it harder to vote
What he thinks
Harper told him no
His housing bill
This means that if your town doesn’t increase in size by 15% every year then your property taxes will go up
You can’t take the bus to work, all transit stops have to be in housing districts
If your city/town wants to ensure buildings are up to code then your property taxes will go up
Tax rebates for the rich (note there is no duration requirement for them to provide this better rate to get the rebate)