No, it’s the other way around: Propaganda is trying to influence one’s political beliefs. Most news is propaganda, political memes are propaganda, “go vote!” signs are propaganda, uncle Sam is from propaganda, etc.
I’m talking about the neutral definition. From Wikipedia:
Beginning in the twentieth century, the English term propaganda became associated with a manipulative approach, but historically, propaganda had been a neutral descriptive term of any material that promotes certain opinions or ideologies “Ideology”.
When’s its not evil it’s call advertising, and that’s still fucking evil.
No, it’s the other way around: Propaganda is trying to influence one’s political beliefs. Most news is propaganda, political memes are propaganda, “go vote!” signs are propaganda, uncle Sam is from propaganda, etc.
I’m talking about the neutral definition. From Wikipedia:
Sure buddy happy starday and have fun at work lunar day tomorrow.
Well, if Wikipedia is wrong for you, then ok, I guess?
Maybe it’s more of your propaganda?