I’ve been sous viding for years but I always struggle with the darn bags floating. I’ve tried spoons (what a joke, does nothing for me), magnets, clips. It doesn’t matter if I’m cooking three pounds of meat or one little vegetable, my bags always want to float up at least enough that some portion of my cook isn’t fully submerged. Others report success with these techniques, and I can usually rig something after several minutes of fussing but it’s an ugly ordeal every time. What am I doing wrong? Any good videos of a technique that really works?
@Imgonnatrythis I seal up the zip-lock top except for about an inch in the middle. Then I push in toward the unsealed bit so it makes a round opening, put my lips against it like I’m giving it a big kiss, inhale deeply, and immediately seal up the opened bit while continuing to inhale. (Those of a certain age may remember employing the same technique on zip-lock bags of a certain dried herb.) That gets most of the air out; not all, but enough that things mostly don’t float.