This one is from a couple months ago, but I finally had a chance to catch up on some older stories. In late 2023, we wrote about one of the most egregious SLAPP suits we’d ever seen. In a case that…
Yeah. They said it’s now righted the wrong, but I don’t think so.
Usually, the anti-SLAPP statute specifies that the SLAPPing party needs to pay the defendant’s legal fees, but in this case they were represented pro bono by a high-profile attorney, so maybe that’s the only remedy and it just didn’t apply.
Yeah. They said it’s now righted the wrong, but I don’t think so.
Usually, the anti-SLAPP statute specifies that the SLAPPing party needs to pay the defendant’s legal fees, but in this case they were represented pro bono by a high-profile attorney, so maybe that’s the only remedy and it just didn’t apply.