Movies are important aspect of the culture

    2 个月前

    I think that’s a euphemism for “a pat in the head”. As I said, I think is a movie aimed to a very specific subset of people, of which I don’t belong. The set of people that also enjoy that doomsday climate clock that I keep bringing out because I think it gives away the same kind of emotions to people who liked that movie.

    And for people that does not feel rewarded just for a movie, or a clock or whatever, saying to you “good for worrying”, the movie becomes nothing, it’s empty of anything else. It’s a very simple 75 million dollar message that says “feel better than others, feel special for worrying”. Also the whole message becomes a little ridiculous, when it’s delivered on the biggest media platform, with millions in budget, a bunch of famous actors acting on it, and then praised by millions of people.

    To me it feels like those conservative figures that say that they are being cancelled while they are live on national TV. It’s just silly. And this movie gives the same vibes to me. Talking about the big ignored problem to an audience of millions of people that purposely went there to see the movie about the big ignored problem.

      2 个月前

      That is an extremely condescending way of saying that you did not personally find the movie to be funny.

      Different people can have different senses of humor. There are lots of comedies that I absolutely cannot stand; that does not make me right and the people who enjoy them wrong.