Love to see upgrades with a negative net size lmao. Software should get more optimized with time, not more bloated. Oop, just got the gnome console popup notification saying that my install command finished running, sweet – it took as long as making this post
I’m not a programmer by any means, but I’m guessing, they are just removing old redundant features and code, but I could be very wrong here.
a new version of a program can also move to a different set of dependencies that is shared with another program, so you don’t need to keep both around.
This wouldn’t appear like this when upgrading the system with pacman. pacman does not automatically remove orphaned dependencies during upgrades. You have to query for them and remove them explicitly as a separate operation afterwards. So in the OP what we’re seeing is the new versions of packages themselves getting smaller.
Good ol’
pacman -Rns $(pacman -Qqtd)
, or as I’ve aliased it,orphankiller
Removing some deprecated old library or just good old optimization.