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Just to make a more meta comment, this is a case where cynicism is definitely not helping. We need better journalists to do this kind of deep dive without concern for losing a revenue stream. And not just in gaming hardware, either.
If we cynically label every journalist that does it as “drama mongers”, we’re only hurting ourselves.
They are running a drama/scandal focussed channel. Of course they are going to be controversial at times.
investigative journalism is drama now 👍
Just to make a more meta comment, this is a case where cynicism is definitely not helping. We need better journalists to do this kind of deep dive without concern for losing a revenue stream. And not just in gaming hardware, either.
If we cynically label every journalist that does it as “drama mongers”, we’re only hurting ourselves.
Not really. Reviews and weekly news are still their bread and butter. They do a few of these deep dive investigations per year.
And they do very detailed reviews.