Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?
Honestly, just WTF is going on with the world today? Achievements in a mobile app for ordering coffee, like this is some sort of weird mobile game you play. Is this what we are looking forward to in our future?
I think it’s hilariously stupid. It might have made more sense if it followed a training progression. Like move from coffee sprint to coffee racer, menu long run and then the marathon maybe? Sprint to marathon is some Goggins level shit.
Either way, sprinting to marathon isn’t a progression. Speed and endurance are different skills with different training plans. There’s a reason they’re separate Olympic disciplines.
Yeah but base building doesn’t seem as sexy. LSD is the basis of every coffee plan - Long Slow Donuts.