Mosquitoes are able to survive prolonged droughts by drinking blood, which helps to explain how their populations quickly rebound when it finally rains, biologists at the University of Cincinnati said.
I put an IV line in every spring and top myself off with some DEET. Any skeeter that slurps my blood explodes from internal pressure buildup within minutes. My fucking ex wife brought this up in court to “prove” I’m not suited to take care of my children. Absolutely insane claim but the judge ate it up.
I put an IV line in every spring and top myself off with some DEET. Any skeeter that slurps my blood explodes from internal pressure buildup within minutes. My fucking ex wife brought this up in court to “prove” I’m not suited to take care of my children. Absolutely insane claim but the judge ate it up.
That reminds me of how a study found there is a “cure” for cancer, bleach. It just also has a 100% fatality rate in patients.