• RodPhoto
    61 year ago

    So it’s only “your” community as long as it suits and benefits Reddit for which they are happy that you grow and moderate said community, but if it doesn’t suit them, then it’s not yours, it’s “the people’s”, unless of course the people vote democratically to change the nature of the community, in which case it doesn’t belong to them either, and so it belongs to Reddit and they can do with it what they want.

    What a bunch of buuuuuuuullshieeeeeeeeeet.

  • @yoshipunk123456
    11 year ago

    It’s even less acceptable to enshittify a platform

  • Monola19
    11 year ago

    Whole site is going off the deep end. The ship is sinking folks. Glad I’m here.

  • Geek-Girl-Kizzle
    11 year ago

    You know what? I posted the same 3 things (my own post) in ModCoord, Save3rdpartyapps, & subredditdrama. All in solidarity. Subredditdrama is the only one that didn’t block me.

    So I’m happy to be here. The mods in the two subreddits lost me now.