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The original was posted on /r/buildapc by /u/MiniSpip on 2023-08-18 16:15:01+00:00.

Brand new PC.

Tried a “quick / full OS transfer” so I basically moved a cloned SSD from the old machine (i7-4790k) to the new one (i9-13900k). I know… but please bear with me.

Lo and behold: The new PC boots, Win10 loads. No issues at all. Wow. Then I update all drivers, remove old devices from the device manager, etc. All seems fine, except that…

Simple CPU benchmarks and most (not all) stability tests all fail within a second due to “overheating detected” (90°C reached) ; whilst the CPU Fan [NH-D15] does ramp up etc. Tried different fan curves, changed some BIOS settings to no avail. Weirdly enough, the new PC is “stable” and even passes some stress tests.

I have no idea why this happens, with: Booting is OK, windows loads, all drivers updated…

  • MediocrePosts
    2 years ago

    Sounds like bad thermal paste application when whoever installed the cpu cooler honestly