RIP Barry Groves 1936-2013
1:27 Chaotic dietary recommendations and the rise in chronic disease.
3:00 What are we designed to eat?
4:30 Wild animals don’t read diet books or hire personal trainers!
5:25 Why body typing is nonsense.
6:38 Which mammals are designed to eat a high-fat diet?
7:43 How a gorilla’s low-fat diet is NOT a low-fat diet…
10:21 How a ruminants high-carb diet becomes a no-carb diet!
12:42 Why carnivorous animals prefer the fatty parts of their prey.
13:42 Primitive human cultures also ate and preferred high-fat diets.
14:55 Where should our dietary fats come from?
15:20 All primates are NOT vegetarians!
16:28 Primates have been reclassified as omnivores.
17:27 Cave paintings depict hunting, not fruit-picking…
18:08 What ancient poop can tell us about the human diet.
19:30 The impact of climate change on the human brain.
23:10 Why vegetable fats are suitable for brain development.
24:30 Kleiber’s Law.
26:30 Where does energy for the brain come from?
28:19 Small brain, big gut. And the other way around…
29:50 How the Lord dissed Cain’s fruit offering but accepted Abel’s fat.
32:48 Greek meat-thology. 🙂
34:43 The dietary wisdom of cannibals…
37:49 What Mediterraneans really eat!
40:10 Historical causes and modern evidence for a shrinking brain.
43:40 Ancel Keys and his fraudulent CHD data.
44:46 How does an old-fashioned food cause a brand new disease?
46:38 How can you have a fat-free cream when cream is fat?
47:10 The incredible shrinking vegan brain.
49:34 Civilized man is the planet’s only chronically sick animal!
51:59 The answer to our problems.
At about 47 minutes: Brain size in vegans would have to be scary for them. I wonder if it is a cause of the bad behaviour of vegans online. Do they behave badly because they are sick?
I’ve seen that theory before, something with missing nutrition causing elevated stressors. I’m not sure how credible it is, but I know I’m very calm after a good meal.
A popular phrase on /r/zerocarb is “carni cool”. People notice how their mood is stabilised after a while on meat.
I wouldn’t be surprised if it was the opposite for people moving in the opposite direction from the omnivorous middle road
One of the things Dr Barry Groves promotes is getting flouride out of the water supply. That’s one that I worry about. The flouride is there to protect teeth, but teeth are fine when you don’t eat sugar or bread, so I don’t think the upside of flouride is useful for us, leaving only whatever the downside is.
And the very end “civilised man is the only animal smart enough to make its own food, and the only one stupid enough to eat it”
I’m pretty sure there are animal that eat our rubbish. There’s a lot of our manufactured “food” in the rubbish supply.
Yeah, I think that is why the gold standard for high quality ASF are ruminant animals, who don’t eat human rubbish.
Pigs, a mono gastric, have more omega-6s then would be ideal… And pigs are often kept on a farm as a sort of garbage disposal - they will eat anything!
Yeah I don’t like the taste of pork anymore. I wonder if I’d like the same meat from wild boars
Not the most rigorous lecture, but its well presented, and it is cited by current researchers as one of their influences.
The discussion of the cecum/apendix is quite compelling, as well as brain shrinkage. (We are still getting more research on this even today).
The bit about religious texts probably doesn’t land as well today, but it is good storytelling.
I thought I lost this video!! I’ve been looking for it forever but couldn’t remember the doctor’s name. This was the video that made me open to carnivore and ultimately got me to start. Thank you so much!