He’s just into war reenactment and also expressing that his heart went out to him (/s).
This kind of reminds me of this old skit https://youtu.be/PxS1H7oqrSI?si=hHKwrRw3q4E5QmXA
heart went out
That cold, shriveled, thorny accessory organ flew across the room at match speed and took someone’s eye out.
It was literally the nazis who got centrists to “water-down” the word nazi.
They’re still working on it.
Normalizing fascism.
The sooner we accept we’ve reached that stage, the sooner we can do something about it.
I’m not holding my breath.
Start calling them Nazis and Nazi sympathizers, to start.
Honestly, the simple act of doing that has calmed a lot of the dissonance in my brain.
Intentional Stonetoss expression at the end?
I was thinking the same thing
I’m glad I’m not the only one! It’s so good!
Right? The guy’s nose disappears, it’s gotta be intentional
This is every fucking conversation I have with my right leaning friends at this point.
Cut them off.
Good idea, but how do you then denazify them? There’s way too many Nazis to just “cut them off”, it’d be like living in a rural town without using a car.
Not to say that Nazis are good, but that’s a primarily defensive tactic, where we should be using offensive tactics like propaganda and sabotage. You’re not living in the America you knew. The enemy surrounds us entirely and we have to understand that.
Please yes, isolate yourself for the cult
The cult of… Anti-nazis?
No no no you don’t understand. It’s the cult of people who call anybody who does a weird salute or mildly dislikes Jewish people or brown people and wants to declassify women as people with rights as a Nazi. Don’t you see it’s both sides that are extremist. You’re just giving in to left wing propaganda…
~the centrist point of view
I mean really they are all fascists so really it would be some kind of anti-fascist movement.
Which is why the right has been vilifying the term antifa for the last 6-8 years. That way they can be primed to kill anti-fascists without having to admit to themselves that it means they’re fascist.
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There was no way we could tell he was a Nazi 😔
Who amongst us hasn’t mistakenly made what looks like a Nazi salute, twice, in front of a crowd whilst doing a speech, been wrongfully interpreted as an AfD supporter after having said “I support the AfD” or made posts claiming that Jews do bad things which were unfairly seen as antisemitic?
It could happen to anybody!
I’m a little worried about the distraction this is causing, distraction away from taking real action that can help. Like, felon and nazi are real and useful predictive attributes, but we kind of already knew some of that.
I feel like a better focus would be on taking action - donation, volunteerism, things your class valedictorian would do - to counter actual harmful or evil changes that are made in actual legislation. It sucks to have to prop up things that make America actually great ourselves because narrow minded politicians cut public funding. But to keep these things alive, we have to step up.
We already made our predictions known. Deep down we already know this isn’t convincing anybody new. The next step is taking action. Local non-profits want to hear from you. If it’s a cause that you think might be threatened, and you care about it, you might be able to help.
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Same, I saw the still image and thought, “oh this is like where they grab a still of them waving then are like ‘look! Obama doing the Nazi salute!’”
Nope. Video was one of the most emphatic Nazi salutes I’ve ever seen. Twice!
My Lemmy blocklist has literally tripled since yesterday lol.
If we keep going, we can make this an echo chamber yet!
Kinda weird that its only an echo chamber when it leaves out the right.
I don’t know where you got that opinion from. An echo chamber is an echo chamber and I think it’s a shame regardless of which flavour it is.
I’m here for open debate and freedom of expression, knowing that will mean having to see and read things I don’t like every now and again.
If other people want to block other users up to the point there’s no one else that has a different opinion to them, then they absolutely can do that but I thinks it’s just being an ostrich that sticks it’s head in the sand.
Enlightened centrist?
I consider my self a lefty, but I think it’s important to consider all points of view, especially when I disagree with them.
That is good, but what value do they bring?
If nothing else, it’s practice for the next time you hear it, you can workout your arguments against it.
I also find it quite fascinating to try understanding other people, I already understand the reasoning behind my beliefs and already know what I know. Talking to someone different from me is much more interesting than talking to someone very similar to me.
You can consider the nazi point of view (do you really need to though?) without defending nazis’ right to spew their bullshit.
And let’s face it, even if lemmy was 100% leftists, the rest of the world is fascist as fuck so it’ll never be an echo chamber.
The only speech I don’t defend is hate speech. Everything else must be fair game, no matter how much I personally don’t like it or how much I disagree.
Someone with the privilege of not belonging to a group that fascists wants to exterminate from the planet, apparently.
Are we all still referring to the comic strip about Nazis?
Aaaand blocked. Keep fellating Trump and Musk
I don’t like Trump or Musk, I just keep my head when all else about are losing theirs.
Enjoy your echo chamber, must be nice when there’s no-one that has a different opinion or disagrees with you.
Enjoy your echo chamber, must be nice when there’s no-one that has a different opinion or disagrees with you.
So how I feel about this depends somewhat on which platform I’m on, but why do some try to paint it as a virtue to allow ourselves to be surrounded by toxicity?
I can be aware of what is happening in the world and engaged with people who have different opinions than I have without having to let them pollute the places where I just want to be able to exist without harassment and assholery. I can also make different decisions about how insular I want to be on one platform vs another. I don’t have to let those people into my life, and I frankly find it kind of offensive when folks suggest that I or others are somehow missing out by not letting them in.
No one should feel obligated to let themselves be the target of hateful rhetoric or comments that hurt them or bring negativity into their lives. Choosing to allow that is a valid choice, but it’s not necessarily a healthy one, and choosing not to allow it is a reasonable choice for people to make for themselves for the sake of their own health or happiness.
I agree that there is a huge difference between blocking hate (who the site should be blocking anyway due to breaching the community guidelines) and blocking someone you simply disagree with or are offended by.
When it comes to being offended it’s different, we can all agree that hate shouldn’t be tolerated, but offence is in the eye of the beholder.
I could block any users that I find to be offensive and live in a lovely online community where everyone agrees with me but I personally don’t want a community that doesn’t reflect the real world and I find it mentally unhealthy to pretend that offensive people and/or people with different points of view don’t exist.
Why? Why is it a virtue of some kind if when I go online I allow the same people to continually make that experience worse for me?
Choosing to allow that is a valid choice, but it’s not necessarily a healthy one, and choosing not to allow it is a reasonable choice for people to make for themselves for the sake of their own health or happiness.
Social media isn’t the entire world. Personally blocking the people I don’t want to interact with on specific platforms (or even all platforms) doesn’t remove my ability to interact with the world and the events going on within it, nor does it remove my ability to hear other opinions.
Edited to add - I fully support someone such as yourself choosing to NOT block people. But I don’t like that we’re normalizing the idea that we all just have to accept what is coming to us from social media in the name of “considering other opinions”, nor that doing so is inherently virtuous. I can consider other opinions and create an online environment for myself that is not toxic.
You do you, I’m not here to tell anyone what their Lemmy experience should be, I’m just saying I personally believe that it’s unhealthy to surround yourself only with people that agree with you, we all have to go back to the real world at some point.
There was a post yesterday where a guy was not going to his brother’s wedding because they’d had a fall out over the whole Musk thing. I think that’s terrible.
Or disagrees that you should be alive.
“You just don’t like people with different opinions about what types of humans should be eradicated. Not me, willing to have all sorts of conversations about ranking people in terms of who is subhuman.”
I think there’s a difference between blocking people that use hate speech and blocking those who you simply disagree with but I don’t know why I keep bothering to try explaining myself.
When one of the opinions is Nazi one, it stops being “simple disagreement”. You can’t simply disagree with a nazi on any topic. It needs to be shameful, maybe even dangerous to be a nazi, nobody should ever take them seriously and have conversations with them, there is no other ways to deal with that ideology. It feeds on hate and idiocy.
Turns out he was just playing in a WWII movie
A production of The Producers. Singing Springtime for Hitler.
Gentlemen gentlemen that’s just a actor on his way to a show.
Meanwhile bro on his way to a reenactment of The producers: Springtime for Hitler: The musical
what does this guy have against nazi’s?
He can nazi what the other guy’s saying.
ah bc he hates jews
The nazi’s what?
that’s what
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Isnt that sam smith’s song? Dancing with a nazi