I’m curious what ‘surprising’ games people have played last year on their Deck.

Most likely the most played games matches the top 10 list from Steam but I’d like to hear also about those lesser known games that you enjoyed, got working (give hints for the rest of us) or just would like to recommend to us.

  • [email protected]A
    1 month ago

    I forgot to mention Ascent which is one of my favorites. I played it early 2024, which feels ages ago It’s a cyberpunk twin stick shooter RPG.
    It was really fun.

    It’s also one of the games for which I tweaked my SteamDeck controls a lot.
    I vaguely remember the right stick “snapping” too much for my tastes to the horizontal/vertical cross, which went completely away when I mapped it to a fake keyboard/mouse input instead.