In addition to pursuing the death penalty where possible, the Attorney General shall, where consistent with applicable law, pursue Federal jurisdiction and seek the death penalty regardless of other factors for every federal capital crime involving:

(i)   The murder of a law-enforcement officer; or

(ii)  A capital crime committed by an alien illegally present in this country.

The Attorney General shall encourage State attorneys general and district attorneys to bring State capital charges for all capital crimes with special attention to the crimes described in Subsections (i) and (ii), regardless of whether the federal trial results in a capital sentence.

    2 months ago

    It’ll get shuffled into some lower charge than murder. I remember a story where one cop drove past another during a traffic stop, doing something in the order of 100+ mph, hit the other one, dragged him a distance, and yup, the dude who got hit and dragged died. He wasn’t charged with murder, but a lower manslaughter. The shit-for-brains actually pled not guilty, rejecting a plea bargain.

    The reason he drove so fast by the other? It was a prank that supposedly was sometimes done.