I got a new PS3 I’ve been waiting on for a week in the mail today. I installed CFW on it and decided to break it in with my Childhood copy of Minecraft PS3 edition while I had LittleBigPlanet 2 installing. I grew up on Xbox 360 edition for half of my childhood, but PS3 edition was what kept me hooked for most of the later half of my childhood. I booted into the tutorial world and just ran around in it reliving my childhood. My first stop was the Chest with the Flame bow:

after this I went by the hotel area to check it out (I built the iron golem too, which will be relevant later). Growing up I had memories of this area because a creeper spawned on the lip on the back and blew me up when I went to sleep:

Leaving the main castle, I went out towards the village and found this guy just chilling in the field like he belonged there:

Moving past him wrapped back around too the Animal Pens to swipe some food and snapped a picture of the wolves:

After that night started to fall and I went back, and found the iron Golem chilling on the roof like a Brahmin from Fallout 4:

After stopping by the Hotel on more time to sleep, I did one last lap around and got these screenshots before calling it quits for the night:

  • MyNameIsAtticus@lemmy.worldOP
    2 months ago

    I was originally going to go with the one of the iron golem on the rooftop to make it a bit more unique. But figured people would get more joy out of the tutorial gateway/arch thingy so I went with that instead. I made sure to share everything I took though so people could watch the little trip I took, at least for the most part. There was a screenshot I took of the menu I didn’t mean too that I didn’t include