Eat meat, sleep better.

I have found on zerocarb much more than low carb is sleep

I fall asleep hard and quickly. I wake 7 hours later fully awake immediately. Dreams happen, last night I had two different ones that I recalled when I woke. But as soon as I was awake I could immediately be up and doing stuff.

Alcohol messes with this in all dimensions - slower falling asleep, fuzzier wake up. It’s so much better when sober. Sometimes I simply can’t fall asleep because I’m too drunk.

  • jet@hackertalks.comM
    2 months ago

    I’ve found being on mostly carnivore that coffee and tea is much more effective, keeps me very wired now, even one cup.

    My circadian rhythm is stronger now, I get tired when the sun goes down, easy to go to sleep if I let myself.

    Wow growth hormone depends on deep sleep cycles!

    Using fasting studies as a proxy for ketogenic metabolism is a delightful research method

    The adenison depression link is really interesting

    Sleep deprivation insulin resistance was new to me

    I liked her explanation of dawn phenomenon