The snowflake is located above the middle of the distance between the eye and ear of the bird. That is like a snowflake hair clip by the temple.
Yeah, since when is a cheek located behind an eye on anything?
Is this like a prison teardrop tattoo for birds? Should I be cautious?
I mean, he is a dark-eyed junco. Prolly stabbed another bird in a dark alley for some smack.
If lil’ chip here had a snowflake for every birdie he killed, he’d be covered from claws to beak. ☃️
I still can’t believe that’s a real bird name.
Wait, snowflakes are that big? Or is this just a silly meme?
I have very limited experience with snow being in Australia and all
Snowflakes vary in size from tiny specs to big, crystals a few millimeters in diameter like in the pic.
I’m pretty sure that is a small bird, but yeah, they can definitely be visible to the naked eye (depending on the type of snow)
Santen kesshun I reject!