The new direction sounds like the Foxification of the Washington Post, a move away from any attempt to hold the powerful to account and toward inexpensive clickbait punditry.
TikTok, X, Facebook, and now Google have all within the last week modified or removed searches for democrats and instead pushed hashtags that were negative towards democrats instead. It’s one big effort to erase history and make younger people unable to discern reality from propaganda or look up the past. If we have holocaust deniers in the modern era with footage, living testimonies, physical evidence… Imagine a world without evidence.
TikTok, X, Facebook, and now Google have all within the last week modified or removed searches for democrats and instead pushed hashtags that were negative towards democrats instead. It’s one big effort to erase history and make younger people unable to discern reality from propaganda or look up the past. If we have holocaust deniers in the modern era with footage, living testimonies, physical evidence… Imagine a world without evidence.