I have a flip phone that I prefer to keep it always off with the battery removed - due to privacy reasons. I also have a text-only VOIP number (couldn’t find a service that accepted Monero and had calling functionality) and an email.

I’ve been looking for jobs and I’ve put my VOIP number (mentioning that it’s text-only) and my email on my resume. However, I didn’t put my flip phone’s phone number on it. So, I’ve just been wondering, is this really going to affect my chances of getting an job?

  • CTDummy@lemm.ee
    1 month ago

    Yes. Plenty of jobs won’t hire you if you don’t have a car (or a license). If they see they cannot contact you normally, what do you think? Recruiting usually likes to talk on the phone to see if A. You don’t sound/seem like a loon. B. You can be contactable by work during business hours. Also, if there are additional hurdles to contact you and/or verify your resume, they will likely just move onto the next applicant.