It’s beginning to feel like there is some sort of conspiracy to stop the players from solving this mystery - it has been brought up a few times over the years, but never gets much traction and always seems to fade into obscurity. Years ago I posted about this on the Thargoid Anomaly Coalition Discord server… but at some point that server (along with all my research) seems to have disappeared (presumably the server owner closed their account).

I posted it on the Elite Dangerous subreddit a couple of weeks ago after someone reminded me about it, which gained some traction and sparked several lines of investigation… But just over a week later the subreddit moderators deleted the post without providing any notice, explanation or removal reason, then deleted my attempts to direct anyone who appeared to be following any line of investigation to another place where they could continue the investigation, then proceeded to shadow ban me from the entire subreddit, again without providing any sort of notice or explanation (presumably in retaliation for me being critical of their actions, criticism which they have now only reaffirmed was warranted).

Let’s see if posting it to fares any better! Here’s the original post from Reddit:

I’m sure we’ve all seen that something appears slightly off in the loading screen (more noticeable in VR since it is pinned to your face Edit: and it seems low graphics quality and messing with gamma can make it easier to see), but most people have just dismissed this as some sort of graphics glitch - however it is very clear to me that it is indeed something hidden there that to the best of my knowledge no one has deciphered. A couple of years ago CMDR Glitterbeard posted this cleaned up version on Twitter (relatively spoiler free. Edit: Apologies to anyone who currently would like nothing to do with X, but consider this link as historical context only which predated all recent controversy):

That perked some interest, but didn’t get noticed by enough players and was quickly forgotten.

Some of you may know that I’m one of the main authors of 3DMigoto, a modding tool originally created for adding stereoscopic 3D (not VR) rendering to games, but which has since become a more generally useful DX11 graphics modding tool, and indeed a lot of you will already be using it since it forms the basis of EDHM and CPM. Using this tool I extracted the texture used for this pattern on the loading screen:

CLICK HERE TO REVEAL THE RAW TEXTURE EXTRACTED FROM THE GAME (Canonn members should be aware that using these may be against your player group rules, hence the spoiler tags)

Here’s a cleaned up version with the black lines removed:

The raw dds file can also be found here:


There is without any question something hidden there - this is not a glitch or an accident, that texture has been very intentionally crafted that way by Frontier. I’ve extracted the texture, now it’s your turn to help decipher it!

    1 month ago

    The subreddit follows Frontier TOS to the letter, if you posted/linked to the dds files in your posts, that would be the reason why the threads get deleted.

    Got a week long ban ages ago because I posted then unreleased datamined image of a thargoid ship. I get it, was a bad move on my part, etc.

    As for the actual topic at hand; I got nothing, it does look like morse code - ish, but the lines are all kinds of wack.

    • DarkStarSword@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      I am on their discord, and it looks like someone else there picked it up after my original post on Reddit, though I guess I’ll tag them into the new thread. We’ve also got some investigations happening on the Ghost Giraffe discord.

      • fartsparkles
        1 month ago

        Jump in there and raise it yourself. Share your thoughts and what attempts to potential decipher it you’re aware of. Independent Raxxla Hunters, are by the name, independent. So if you want traction and discussion, you need to be the one to bring it.

        Great find by the way.

  • enkers
    1 month ago

    It almost looks like notes in a piano roll in a DAW. However, the pattern doesn’t line up since it appears to be a continuous x-o-o-x-o-o pattern, not x-x-o-x-o-x-x-o-x-o-x-o.

      • enkers
        1 month ago

        It does seem like it has a certain musical rhythm about it. Maybe someone was just a fan of atonal jazz. ;)

        I’ll try to check out the discord discussion a bit later.

    1 month ago

    Kind of reminds me of old computer punch cards, though solid lines weren’t really a thing for those, I think.

    1 month ago

    Thank you for pulling that texture out, and for 3dmigoto (great, great tool)!

    Completely spitballing, but that looks a little like a picture of DNA. It’s pretty obviously not that, but maybe a lead? Also looks kind of like a “note sheet” like people use in videos like this:

    Do we know if there are any other intentional “disturbace” patterns like that for other holograms in game? The loading screen one is very obvious, and I haven’t noticed others myself, but I know the image hidden in the Thargoid “shutdown command” had to be pieced together.

    • DarkStarSword@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      A couple of great ideas here, DNA is a new theory, and I did see someone else mention the holograms, but I don’t think anyone has actually checked them out (added to my list of things to do this weekend) :)

      The note sheet idea has already been explored somewhat (I’ve linked to this in another comment below) - no real promising results on that lead yet, but I don’t think the investigation has been exhausted and would definitely appreciate anyone else with some musical/audio talent taking a look :)

    • DarkStarSword@lemmy.worldOP
      1 month ago

      Yeah, morse was my first thought, but the problem with that theory is that the dashes are all different lengths which isn’t the case for morse - it could be something else along the same lines though. I also thought of Braille, but AFAIK Braille doesn’t have any dashes.

    1 month ago

    Just a side note: mods can’t shadow ban. There is no concept of a sub level shadow ban. The closest they could do is set up an automod rule to remove your comments and posts automatically, and honestly that’s a level of work that’s annoying to maintain, which is why virtually no mod does it and instead just flat out bans you.

  • DarkStarSword@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    So I don’t really want to whinge too much about the moderators who clearly lack the self reflection or humility to try to improve themselves, but anyone still using the Subreddit - if you haven’t got any replies lately you might want to run your account through reveddit and make sure you aren’t also shadow banned - looking at recent posts on unddit shows an alarming number of posts + comments getting deleted too quickly for it to log, which may indicate they hit a spam filter, or that moderators have shadow banned more people. I very much appreciate that appears to have a public mod log, meaning it is actually accountable.

      • DarkStarSword@lemmy.worldOP
        1 month ago

        reveddit is partially broken - checking a user profile works, but using it to check a subreddit doesn’t. Checking a thread partially works, but may miss some deleted posts and attempting to restore deleted posts is only partially successful. unddit was working all last week, though right at the moment I’m not getting any results with it, but I assume that is probably just a temporary outage.