Enrique Tarrio tells Alex Jones president ‘gave me my life back’ as far-right militias regroup and plan next steps

      • pdxfed@lemmy.world
        1 month ago

        I mean the guy who took a shot at Trump on the campaign trail, the guy who blew up his Tesla at Trump’s hotel in Vegas, they were both trump supporters so there isn’t any waiting needed.

        The sad news is that critical mass, and actual personal realization that you’ve been scammed, emotionally internalizing and processing that and then you (or your grandchildren) getting mad enough to join the left and overthrow fascists can take decades if not centuries for a historical opportunity. I’m optimistic that there are still good seeds for it in the US, but the right will be merciless at targeting news orgs, civil rights and legal orgs and eventually individuals they deem who might pose a threat to raising the (good) rabble against them.

        Get off your phones and bring human with your neighbors is about the best advice at this point. It will correct eventually, but it’ll get worse before it gets better.

    • TacoButtPlug
      1 month ago

      I was reading about how the Somoza dictatorship turned in its closest supporters and then I read about how Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, Hitler, and Kim Jon have all done the same. I think it’s inevitable. But the other way round.