I finally got my printer working again. I spent the whole day going through Teaching Tech’s calibration steps. All the flat calibration gcode looks fine. The Benchies are another problem though. I’m printing with a 0.6mm nozzle for the first time.

On the smaller benchy I printed at 0.2 layer height, with a perimeter speed of 40mm/s at 210/60 temps. The bigger one is 110% larger and printed at 0.25 layer height, with a perimeter speed of 60mm/s at 215/60 C.

The problems are mostly manifested in the same area. Big blobs in the rear and layer shifting on the tail pipe. Large layer shifts/bulges in the center. I’ve never really ran into this problem before so I don’t know where to start when diagnosing this.

  • sneakyninjapants
    1 year ago

    In addition to these other troubleshooting comments, what is your cornering speed like in the slicer on the sharp corners of the boat? (back of hull, back of cabin) It seems either too high, or your hotend fan may be malfunctioning, leading to a jam. Wouldn’t be a bad idea to double check that the part fan is spinning when told to as well.