(2) A person commits the offense of trespass by an illegal alien if such person: (a) Is an illegal alien; (b) Knowingly enters this state and remains in this state; and © Is physically present in this state at the time a licensed bounty hunter or a peace officer apprehends such person.
(3) (a) The offense of trespass by an illegal alien under this section is a felony for which the authorized term of imprisonment is life imprisonment without eligibility for probation, parole, conditional release, or release except by act of the Governor or the natural death of such person.
This is going to turn into a nationwide pogrom at a rapid pace. Keep your powder dry.
What the frick does keep your powder dry mean?
Be ready to take up arms. Mississippi is trying to authorize gestapo.
Gunpowder won’t ignite if it’s wet.
Early muzzle-loading firearms required the user to carry all the gunpowder they’d need themselves loose in a simple container like a powder horn. With early-modern storage methods being considerably less reliable than modern techniques, you needed to be really careful to not let the gunpowder get rain on or submerged since that’d make it pretty useless.
So, keeping your powder dry means being ready for action.