Changed the oil in our main daily driver, probably was a bit earlier than strictly necessary but it was past the service mileage stipulated in the manual and it’s above freezing finally. Managed to not make a mess and didn’t run into any issues. Even torqued the drain plug to within spec. Then got it washed to get rid of the salt crust from the past few weeks and wash out any oil drips from the filter the got on top of the plastic air guard.

  • WxFisch@lemmy.worldOP
    1 month ago

    Luckily we have a garage that’s perfectly sized to get the car on ramps and close the door. I still lay on cardboard since the concrete is cold (and to catch the errant drip). When we lived in an apartment in the city I’d usually bite the bullet and take it somewhere since we couldn’t do any car work in the parking lot. In the past I’d take it to a buddies house but then moved a few hours away so that wasn’t a choice until e bought a house a few years ago.