I know why this is: it’s because my mom, the only family member that I was close with, smoked a whole bunch, and so I have positive childhood associations.
Whether it be the active smell of somebody who’s smoking nearby or the lingering scent that’s left or that sticks around in place where people smoke frequently, such as bars or hallways or similar, I like it a lot.
Yet even so, I was actually stunned when I found that there are very few people who agree, and many are the folks who think that it smells bad.
Very underrated smell imo , tho I don’t see myself actually smoking cigs , health risks seem not worth it for me
Yeah just don’t if you can help it. So easy to start, extremely difficult to quit.
You’re better off with nicotine gum if you’re chasing the buzz
I don’t know why you say it’s difficult to quit. I’ve done it like eight times.
I quit at the end of every day
I got so lucky… I smoked for like nine months and one day I had a cig and it felt like DOGSHIT. I tried again the next day and I felt debilitated and super shitty. It was also the advent of Ecigs, so I snagged a rudimentary cigalike and used it occasionally when I would normally smoke, then stopped that too.
I will have a cig very occasionally (actually half a cig, split with my partner) but only if we’re hella drunk. If I’m sober, cigs are absolutely garbage.
Nice, associating them with feeling shitty is a good way to keep off them yeah
Dœs nicotine gum smell like anything ? Just curious
Nah it’s just gum from what I remember