Mission info

Scheduled for (UTC) 2025-01-29, 00:53
Scheduled for (local) 2025-01-29, 06:23 (IST)
Launch site Second Launch Pad, Satish Dhawan Space Centre, India
Launch Vehicle GSLV Mark II
Payloads NVS-02 (IRNSS-1K)
Payload mass 2250 kg
Mission success criteria Geostationary Transfer Orbit


Stream Link
ISRO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LWzg5Z-bcLo
Space Affairs none
The Launch Pad https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ozEj1BHn8AY
The Space Devs


Sourced from NextSpaceflight:

☑️ 1st GSLV mission this year, 17th overall

☑️ 1st ISRO mission this year, 97th overall

Mission details

The NVS, previously IRNSS, constellation is not a global positioning constellation, like GPS, GLONASS, Galileo, or Beidou-3, but a regional one, similar to the Chinese Beidou-1 and 2, or the Japanese QZSS, serving only the Indian sub-continent. IRNSS satellites have two payloads: a navigation payload and CDMA ranging payload in addition to a laser retro-reflector. The payload generates navigation signals at L5 and S-band. The design of the payload makes the IRNSS system interoperable and compatible with Global Positioning System (GPS) and Galileo systems. The satellite is powered by two solar arrays, which generate up to 1,660 watts, and has a lifetime of ten years.

  • threelonmusketeersOPM
    9 days ago

    Normal burns of the first and second stages, third stage ignition confirmed.