I’ve built a small office for myself with outlets all over the room. They are all on one circuit I’d like to protect them all with a single surge protector.
I imagine their should be some product similar to a GFI outlet that would protect itself and everything past it on the circuit. I could mount it next to my panel and run the wiring straight to it before continuing on to my office. But I can’t find such a device.
The two closest things I’ve found are a whole home surge protector which seems like overkill. And this outlet from Leviton which is a surge protector, but only for itself. It won’t protect anything else on the circuit.
I could obviously use a power bar with a built in surge protector but part of the idea of having a bunch of outlets around the room was to remove the need for a power bar and keep everything cleaner.
Does anyone know if what I’m imagining actually exists?
My family and friends are all shocked by my skills as an electrician.
They were not dying to find out, I hope?