A CRU tabling event near the Memorial Union this Friday asking students to report fellow students to ICE is facing backlash from members of the University and surrounding community.
Would you rather deport 10 people for no reason at the cost of not deporting 1 that deserves it? Would you rather execute or imprison 1 innocent than not execute or imprison 1 deserving? ICE will hit a point where legal citizens are also reported to a place they are not citizens. Pick your ratio of what is acceptable but the innocent will be hurt.
Would you rather deport 10 people for no reason at the cost of not deporting 1 that deserves it? Would you rather execute or imprison 1 innocent than not execute or imprison 1 deserving? ICE will hit a point where legal citizens are also reported to a place they are not citizens. Pick your ratio of what is acceptable but the innocent will be hurt.