This has become the subject of an intensifying congressional ethics investigation, but perhaps more alarming to the congressman, federal law enforcement took an interest in the matter, too.
The investigation was ongoing when there was a dispute between Ogles’ lawyers and the U.S. attorney’s office over access to evidence on his phone. That matter ended up in court, but before it could be fully adjudicated, federal prosecutors withdrew from the case, raising questions about whether the investigation will continue as Trump and his team take control of federal law enforcement.
“Opinion: [A fact]. Now, [also a fact].”
In the title, the rest is all conjecture though. It’s a delicate balance, lol.
Sure, if by “delicate balance” you mean “editors are too cowardly to report news critical of the regime in the news section, so they mislabel it ‘opinion’ instead.”
I labeled it opinion because the content is opinion. Blame me on this one, but I still think I was correct in doing so.
It means this is an op-ed. It’s not typical reporting, it’s someone going “Well ain’t that fuckin’ convenient.”
“One of them coincidences that keeps happening.”