I bought this computer along with some other ‘stuff’ - old CDs, AOL discs, SoundBlaster box from Circuit City…
The PS/2 is a model 25. The various stickers fell off of the interior while checking the disk connections. Ultimately the 20mb hdd was deemed a goner - I’m sure I could follow a guide to fix it, but instead I went with a CF card ISA adapter (CF uses ATA protocol - I didn’t know this before my adventure!).
I ordered the 8087 co-processor along with the ISA adapter for the vast improvement it offered to Pac-Man. I highly recommend Monotech Vintage PC. It’s a long shipping distance to the US but totally worth the wait.
I write on it using WordStar, a word processor I began using in 1989 or so when I had to write a state report on Indiana. Back then I was using an XT clone running CPM/80.
Hi there George RR Martin. Are you finally going to finish the fucking winds of fucking winter?
I should add. All jokes aside, I love your computer. I am sure I had a similar one in the past.
Lol love this
That PS/2 is a beauty. IBM’s design language from this period was 👍.
Man, old computers are so pretty
What kinda writing do you do?
Fiction, short stories, things like that. The ps/2 makes it easier to focus since there’s no distractions from the OS, the software, or the internet. Plus the Model M keyboard was made for writing. It’s a joy to use.
Best. Keyboard. Ever.
I can hear the floppy drive chugging on…
The sad part with switching to CF is that you miss that humming HDD sound, and the loud clicks.
That’s one nice thing about Fallout games, they use the old computer sounds.
I still have the hard drive connected and it spins nicely. I bet some electronics work might get it back into shape.
I can hear that setup
You can experience the old office smell once the power supply fan kicks on too.