All I see in Holy Awe is power-lactating tits.
Oh no, you!
All I see in Holy Awe is power-lactating tits.
I considered it, but decided against it.
Fun fact: There’s no flat surface around my house for doing it. Nor is it sheltered, and it usually rains sideways where I live. So my usual place to do these things is inside a 2km long mountain tunnel 5min drive from my house. There I can change oil, brakes, seasonal tyres, with no wind or precipitation, and temperature above freezing. In the middle of the tunnel there is a large excavated space on the side of the road where the snow plow turns around, so it’s not like I’m blocking traffic either.
Those are usually connected to a light switch for connecting ceiling lights. Especially in older houses from when it was common to have many dim lights instead of few bright ones.
Seeing as it’s grounded, that one is new-ish… before the 80’s, it would probably not have been grounded.
Also, close to a window tells me that its primary use nowadays is for christmas lights.
Source: am noggie
Well, they’re obviously normal price now, since it was all Bidens fault, and had nothing to do with poultry diseases.
What’s your favorite dinosaur? 🦕
I never understood statements like those. What point are they making? Because it sounds like, by extension, any heterosexual man will turn gay upon meeting the right guy.
The ruble doesn’t go as far as it used to
I should do this for War Thunder. I don’t seem to get any better at BR 12, but at least I could get swole in the process.
I have two cats who are annoyed and waiting impatiently - The fish I’m cooking for them is too hot to serve.
Only reason why I know this tradition exists is because of an episode of Friends, as I had nothing else to binge while on an offshore rotation: Each trip involved being on a ship for five weeks straight with shoddy internet connection.
I like when Ordinary Things had a look at him. I can’t help but agree with his effort, even if his methods and theories leave a lot to be desired.
9, 11, and 13. We’re playing D&D 3.5, as those are the books I have, and the ruleset I know the best.
I think the reason why it was so successful with mine is because I decided in advance that I wanted the first session to be action focused. No races, no classes, alignment, etc.
While they cleared the “tutorial dungeon”, they found some weapons that they could choose to use, and depending on what they chose, I used that to nudge them in a direction of a suitable class.
After the tutorial they did some traveling and “stumbled across” minor individual quests that lead them to NPCs that could teach them some stuff. Afterwards they became lvl 1 of their chosen class.
I’ve introduced all aspects that way, as I didn’t want to have them get bored in advance by reading more than playing. I just finished introducing them to arcane spells, and they’re now working with a cleric NPC for divine spells, after which dieties is a natural next step. Then comes alignments.
Nah, not enough room.
I know. I just didn’t recognize the bridge.
Another season of Firefly
EDIT: Or however many seasons it takes to wrap up the story properly. Also, I’ll pay the original actors however much it takes to join the project. And I’ll pay makeup artists and VFX artists however much it takes to make it appear like they haven’t aged.
Maybe Sarah Connor Chronicles as well. That show ended on a cliffhangwr without resolution.
It is obviously a vegetable that grows on/in the ground.
I have weirdly thick skin on and especially under my feet, so I can walk barefoot on ice and snow and not feel cold.
The atmosphere rotates with the earth. So planes can maneuver for the same reason ships can.
Source: Have flown planes and steered ships. Also, am not a dumbass*.
*: Disputed