Petition granted.

Here’s the plan. For a period of two weeks, this post will be stickied. During that time, anyone who wants to can submit a banner or a community icon or both. Requirements are below. Submissions that are not compliant but are really cool may be granted a waiver at the discretion of the mod, but don’t test me.

I will not permit this to become a shitshow. I have not yet thought about what to do with someone that posts content with the intent to troll or make anyone uncomfortable. I would prefer not to have to think about it. My kids would tell you that statement is one of my most dire warnings.

Requirement - Banner Size: Banner proposals shall be in a resolution of 2040x500 with a maximum size of 100kb. Rationale - that’s the biggest number people are giving on the Internet best I can tell, so I can crop it if I need to.

Requirement - Icon Size: Icon proposals shall be in a resolution of 512x512 with a maximum size of 100kb. Rationale: Same as above.

Requirement - Standards Compliance: Use of official NASA logos or logotypes shall meet the intent of the relevant NASA guidance: Brand Guidelines Rationale: I’m capricious, I guess.

Requirement - Positive Vibes: Submissions shall be positive in nature and focus on contributions of the agency to the world. Rationale: Let’s not focus on the short-term nonsense. Overall, it’s a positive mission with positive benefits and some really cool outcomes so let’s try to keep the overall sense of things in line with that. As an example, anything specifically referencing the current personnel actions will not be accepted.

Requirement - A Good Effort: Submissions shall have a high level of graphic quality and composition as determined by the moderator. Rationale: No stupid MSPaint drawings, we’re better than that. Give me something I can use. If art just isn’t your thing, that’s okay - give it your best shot and explain what you’re doing. I’m actually pretty good at this kind of stuff and I’ll help if it’s a good concept.

Requirement - Broad Message: Banner submissions shall communicate the diversity of NASA’s mission. If any reference to a specific mission is made, references must be made to missions from multiple directorates. If any reference to a person is made, references must be made to a range of people that accurately indicate the makeup of the agency and of the population that agency efforts inspire. Rationale: Big agency, I’m sensitive to it being portrayed as all about Moon 2 Mars. Generic rocket launches (as long as they aren’t SLS) don’t count. The people thing I hope y’all understand. I will give exemptions for obvious reasons, but try to meet the intent.

Requirement - No Nazis: Submissions shall not reference the likeness, words, or results of work done by Nazis or Nazi sympathizers. Rationale: There was a time I wouldn’t have needed to say this. I know the troubled history of NASA’s beginnings, not sweeping it under the rug, but let’s focus forward for the banner shall we? I consider SpaceX to be run by Gwynne Shotwell, so SpaceX stuff is explicitly acceptable and I don’t want to hear any complaints about it. Specific reference to the CEO of SpaceX will be handled on a case-by-case basis. Please refer to the “positive vibes” requirement. Please refer to the “no shitshow” policy statement. Please don’t make me regret doing this.

Requirement - Top Level Submissions: All submissions shall be top-level comments to this post. Rationale: It’ll make my life easier. All top-level comments that are not submissions will be deleted. I will add a top-level comment to collect meta-discussion.

Requirement - Voting: The community moderator shall collect all compliant submissions and post them in a poll for community feedback. Rationale: I don’t want to have to interpolate from upvotes. Too much work. I’ll post a poll for voting when the submission period ends.

Ok. Let’s see what you’ve got. :)

    • Tsiolkovsky’all@lemmy.worldOPM
      1 month ago

      Per the NASA branding guidance: “NASA Insignia, Logotype and Seal should not be used as branding devices, or used in or for advertising, trade dress, promotions, or similar marketing purposes, on third-party websites or communications material. The NASA Insignia (the blue “meatball” logo), the NASA Logotype (the “worm” logo) and the NASA Seal may not be used for any purpose without explicit permission. These images may not be used by persons who are not NASA employees or on products, publications or web pages that are not NASA-sponsored. These images may not be used to imply endorsement or support of any external organization, program, effort, or persons.”

      Absent permission (which we could request), this submission probably won’t work. I’ll accept it provisionally; if the will of the community is that we use the meatball, I know who to reach out to.

      • Tsiolkovsky’all@lemmy.worldOPM
        1 month ago

        (Note - folks may look around at the dizzying numbers of uses of the meatball or the worm in our popular culture. My bet is that the bigger corporations have an agreement, smaller ones are skating. I think it’s unwise to do anything that might poke the bear.)

        • I really don’t see what ur so worried about. U aren’t using it for a commercial purposes so there are no losses to sue u for. I guess the american government could go after for hosting it but I would think they have bigger issues.

          Their are a million violations far more extreme than as the icon for a community on a social media sites used by fuck all people.

          Make me a mod and I’ll do it so u have no responsibility. Good luck the Americans extraditing me from Australia over the misuse of a fucking icon.

          Tldr: just do it

          • Tsiolkovsky’all@lemmy.worldOPM
            1 month ago

            Not hard to guess why I’d be concerned. I think my answer is fair and consistent with the behavior of mods on other sites with similar communities. If it comes out on top of the votes, I’ll make the request and sell it as best I can. Best I can do.