The Canadian government has insisted that information on domestic goods is readily available to all trading partners, even including nations that recently elected a felony-convicted game show host to be their head of state. Instead, the United States has decided to employ a rarely-chosen trade tactic that international economists refer to as the “fuck around and find out” model.

    1 month ago

    Point of order, Germany definitely didn’t start WW1 in the way they teach kids. It was the elites, their honor pacts, and a complete misunderstanding of what technology had done to war. And in fact Austria-Hungary was the first to declare war, (on Serbia), which triggered Russia and France to mobilize next. That left Germany with the option of watching Austria-Hungary lose a war and have Germany lose in the great power game or roll the dice. They rolled the dice, like every other Royal Family at the time.

    I think understanding how the international web of elites can affect us is key to avoiding world war 3. World War 2 is entirely on the Germans though, as is Trump’s second term on all Americans. We do need to stand up.