>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
>>> from kenobi import KenobiDB
>>> db = KenobiDB('example.db')
>>> db.insert({'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'})
>>> db.search('lightsaber', 'green')
[{'name': 'Yoda', 'lightsaber': 'green'}]
This is what happens for people who share their projects in this community
Giant PR to port kenobi to pep518
unittest to pytest port coverage up from ~70% --> ~88%
Four (minor) bugs found
Merged this morning!
Wow! That was fast.
Next on the docket kenobi#5 which introduces pre-compile