Mom groups are definitely a thing, and even where things don’t have to be for moms specifically the mentality still exists. My daughter was a “nano-premie” and was on oxygen for a while. I’m on a group for parents that have to deal with that, and every week or two there will be a post starting with “any moms who _______”
I like to answer those posts and start by asking if dads can also answer (but also give a real answer too!)
It is kind of hard when you try to be an involved dad but then get ignored in different ways
Mom groups are definitely a thing, and even where things don’t have to be for moms specifically the mentality still exists. My daughter was a “nano-premie” and was on oxygen for a while. I’m on a group for parents that have to deal with that, and every week or two there will be a post starting with “any moms who _______”
I like to answer those posts and start by asking if dads can also answer (but also give a real answer too!)
It is kind of hard when you try to be an involved dad but then get ignored in different ways