Need to get something off your chest? Let it out here.

  • @[email protected]
    31 year ago

    My garage door is stuck in the halfway position and off track. I had to barricade a bunch of stuff against the gap to block entry and will need to call a pro out to get this sorted. Pretty moan worthy imo

    • Finnbot
      11 year ago

      Things are fucking lethal as well. Bet it’s gonna cost you a fortune to get it fixed!

  • Bleeping Lobster
    31 year ago

    Just sneaking in at 11 mins to midnight. I got a train up to Newcastle today; due to some dickheads trespassing on the lines (apparently at Southampton), it affected the trains all the way up the country. Was supposed to arrive at half 5, ended up arriving after 8. Boooooo, UK trains, boooo.

  • Entropy
    31 year ago

    Woke up with a bleeding nose this morning, bit pissed off about that

  • noxton
    21 year ago

    I have a presentation on Monday, and I’ve had a month to prepare for it, but I’m not ready. I’m gonna try to get it done tomorrow, but I know full well that I’ll be working on it over the weekend. :( (yeah, I’m super ADHD-i)

    Also, work in general is just awful. I’m so sick of giving away so much of my life and not getting to spend quality time with those I care about.

    Minor moans, but moans nonetheless.

  • Finnbot
    21 year ago

    Youngest wean is sorely testing my patience at the moment. Can’t say anything to him about his behaviour or he goes off on one with this sense of entitlement.

    He got it from me this morning for snapping at me when told to get his shoes on to leave. Speaking to him on way to school about the way he speaks to me is apparently just me “keep bringing it up” and again talking to me like a piece of shit as if I’m one of his daft wee school pals. He got marched back up the road and given a bollocking.

    Tell him off or lecture him and he’s like a mini Karen condensed into the body of a 12 year old with the way he goes off on one. I suspect it’s these stupid wee youtuber pricks so he’s lost youtube privileges and took the PS out his room. He’s the youngest of 6 and I’ve never been spoken to by any of the other weans the way he does sometimes. Wee dobber!

    • @[email protected]
      11 year ago

      My partner has a 10 year old girl. And they are apparently getting moody as fuck in that age. Sometimes just existing close by is an affront🤣

      Angry for no reason, saying no is a personal tragedy and if the world isn’t perfectly balanced (as all things should be) and fair it’s everyone’s fault…

      Otherwise a lovely kid😁

  • @[email protected]
    21 year ago

    Just received a letter this morning with the schedule of engineering works on the railway out the back. Every Saturday night in July plus the first one in August. 11pm - 6am. As if I’m not already going to be run ragged with the kids off. I mean, I understand why and don’t have any fundamental objections. And being so close to a station is a big positive. But still. Urgh.

    • @[email protected]
      21 year ago

      I feel this and empathise with you, we’re right near a railway line too. Living so close to a station would be a benefit, if the tains were ever running, lol.

  • ShesDayDreaming
    11 year ago

    Someone decided that 3:30am would be a good idea to do some DIY so I got woken up by hammering, drills and other power tool use from a street over to mine.

  • Alf
    11 year ago

    Had today booked off work for no reason in particular so I thought it would be good idea to have a “few” pints in the pub last night, it wasn’t a good idea and I’ve spent all day feeling like shit and wasted the day off

    • SoPunny
      11 year ago

      Water, and time. Hope you feel better soon.

      • Alf
        11 year ago

        I’m all good now, thank you :)

  • Jon-H558
    11 year ago

    wasps set up nest in the compost, called a man in, cost me £55 for two squirts of the poison. Guess am paying for him knowing hte right poison and where to squirt it… Also danger money…lots of danger money

  • Yewb
    11 year ago

    I have to go golfing today but its really early 7am tee time and it will be cold in the morning and hot in the afternoon and there is no way to dress appropriately.

  • Spudger
    11 year ago

    Australian TV cricket coverage. I’m sure there’s worse but I have yet to discover it.

    • Bernie Ecclestoned
      11 year ago

      I’m syncing TMS with 9now over a VPN

      It goes out of sync quite a bit, but it’s very satisfying when it’s just right 🤌

      • Spudger
        21 year ago

        I wish that would work for me but I’m on a twenty something minute delay here cos the cat vommed and I had to clear it up :(

    • zerozaku
      01 year ago

      Talking about cricket, we need a cricket community here.

  • @[email protected]
    11 year ago

    Ah complaints day. My time to shine.

    • Forgot to take my antihistamine last night so woke up a mess. I’ll be fine when it kicks in but right now, hmph!
    • Apparently Walkers have come out with a Wotsit flavour crisp, which sounds like it could be great, but it’s limited time only so what’s even the point in trying them because even if they’re nice they’ll get taken away.
    • Got invited to something fun and I really do want to go but it’s a 3-leg, 3.5 hour public transport journey each way and my tolerance for that kind of thing is much lower now I’m getting old.
    • Ordered some blackout curtain liners to help other half stop waking up at 5am, but I picked the wrong ones and now have to faff about sending them back.
    • There’s some kind of work going on in the street outside (after two weeks of them setting up some fences around it and just disappearing) and the noise makes me want to chop my own head off.

    First world problems I know, but they add up!

    (I swear I am a happy person really)

  • @[email protected]OPM
    11 year ago

    Mother in law has come round to help out with the gardening. However, our bin collectors were on strike last week and the garden waste bin is still full to the brim, so I’m not sure what’s happening with today’s cuttings.

    I’m pretty sure she’s going to sign me up for a trip to the recycling centre on Saturday morning. Urgh.