I like girls. And guys, but guys are easy. Girls not so much, and for good reason. Guys are horny monsters that sexually assault and harass women, and, being aware of this, I (a) don’t want to come across as a potential threat and (b) want them to feel comfortable around me.

Thing is, I also want to hit on women because again I like girls. How can I do this without coming across as a creep and still let them feel comfortable? Not a fan of dating apps, feel like they’re ineffective (tho I’ve have some luck on them (not much tho) ).

  • eroneux@lemmynsfw.com
    1 month ago

    Thank you for doing the lords work by explaining this in such detail to men tbh lol I wish more guys understood this stuff. I like getting approached I just want it to be comfortable to bow out gracefully

    Would add if you have the sort of job where you have business cards no problem handing her a business card on the way out. Just as long as it’s a legit business card. Otherwise write it on a piece of paper before approaching

    It’s a lot easier to offer a piece of paper than asking her to write it in her phone awkwardly. I personally tend to freeze up when guys ask this stuff so making it as simple as possible for me and then leaving so I can think about it alone is ideal