Arise, arise, Riders of Zloubida!
Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter!
Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered,
a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises!
Ride now, ride now! Ride to Britain!
A new way of counting votes, removing the ability to accumulate mandates would be good starters, and a constitution agreed upon by people from all walks of life instead of the elite. Maybe also some restrictions on the president’s powers.
I’m French and I consider that the fifth Republic lasted too long. We need a new (Republican*) system!
*: Of course not Republican in the American sense.
I don’t know, isn’t it about Conquer Europe o’Clock? Haven’t you let the Germans have all the fun this past century or so?
Does Bonaparte have any descendants that would look cool in a greatcoat and tall bicorne?
Conquering Europe has been tried and failed so many times at some point you just gotta move on you know.
We just have to wait a few years for Germany to fall apart due to their neoliberal reforms and shrinking demographics.
We made the same shitty reforms and our demographics is shrinking too, but less than them and later, and that’s all that matters.
Then it’ll be time for Zloubida the First to take things into his own hands.
I would follow you to the end of the world, mon empereur, or the Channel, whichever comes first.
Arise, arise, Riders of Zloubida! Fell deeds awake: fire and slaughter! Spear shall be shaken, shield be splintered, a sword-day, a red day, ere the sun rises! Ride now, ride now! Ride to Britain!
(Drowning horses noises)
No love for a Reformation and Reestablishing of ONE carolingian empire, finally reuniting Germany and France?
Can you guys go Napoleon 2.0 and help us push Russians back to Moscow? You can have everything from 1991 border onwards.
Please don’t, there’s enough dictator wannabes as it is…
At least we’d have one with a funny accent for some variety
Ya, the president really has too much power and there can’t even be public referandums (practically speaking). 6th republuc 💖!
A new way of counting votes, removing the ability to accumulate mandates would be good starters, and a constitution agreed upon by people from all walks of life instead of the elite. Maybe also some restrictions on the president’s powers.
Otherwise there might be beheadings again.
Idem, on tourne juste en rond là. En espérant moins d’emphase sur le rôle du président et plus sur l’Assemblée pour la 6eme république