Hours after being sworn in as the U.S. attorney general, Pam Bondi sent a memo within the Department of Justice instructing lawyers within the agency’s Civil Rights Division to begin probing ways ...
Years ago, there was a big write-up (cannot find it any more) on the idea of Northern Liberty vs. Southern Liberty, and it was totally spot-on.
Every American should read it because it really laid out the difference between the way cons with the Southern mindset spoke about “liberty” - in their use of this, liberty meant the right to RULE OVER OTHERS. Which is completely at odds with the normal/Northern interpretation.
When I used to link to this article and mention it on various forums, including DP’s I’d get butthurt cons saying how unfair that characterization is/was. LOL.
Years ago, there was a big write-up (cannot find it any more) on the idea of Northern Liberty vs. Southern Liberty, and it was totally spot-on.
Every American should read it because it really laid out the difference between the way cons with the Southern mindset spoke about “liberty” - in their use of this, liberty meant the right to RULE OVER OTHERS. Which is completely at odds with the normal/Northern interpretation.
When I used to link to this article and mention it on various forums, including DP’s I’d get butthurt cons saying how unfair that characterization is/was. LOL.
Can’t find anything but a neighborhood in Philly